What are Common Symptoms with a Prolapse?
Vaginal Pressure
Feeling as if something is “falling out” of your vagina
A sense or a feeling that you are sitting on a tennis ball
Increased pressure as the day goes on - typically worse after prolonged standing, activity, or at the end of the day
Urinary incontinence
Post-void dribbling
What Are the Most Common Types of Pelvic Organ Prolapses?
1. Uterine prolapse
A uterine prolapse is a prolapse that occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments over stretch and weaken to the point that they can no longer provide the needed support for the uterus. When this occurs the uterus slips down and protrudes out of the vagina in varying degrees graded 1-4.
2. Cystocele
A cystocele is when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments over stretch and weaken allowing the bladder to shift out of place resulting in the vaginal wall collapsing into the vaginal canal.
3. Rectocele
A rectocele is when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments over stretch and weaken allowing the rectum to shift out of place resulting in the vaginal wall collapsing into the vaginal canal.
4. Rectal Prolapse
Rectal prolapse is different from a rectocele because with a rectal prolapse the rectum, part of your large intestine, slips down inside your anus. Rectal prolapse can look or feel like hemorrhoids, but unlike hemorrhoids, it doesn’t go away on its own.
How Do You Treat A Prolapse?
The most common treatments for a prolapse include:
1. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:
Pelvic Floor PT can provide exercises (NOT just Kegel exercises), stretches, and self release techniques to improve pelvic floor muscle function to alleviate prolapse symptoms.
2. Pessary:
A pessary is a device that is inserted inside your vagina to provide additional support of the vaginal wall and internal organs. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are often fit for you by your Gynecologist.
3. Medications
4. Try our My Core Floor Membership Program
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